Thursday, December 18, 2014

SUSIRAM - Gassing Machine - Now in Sri Lanka

Now our Gas Yarn Singeing Machine is in Sri Lanka 

Recently we have delivered our machine to Sri Lanka


Bohoma istuti...


Monday, November 17, 2014

Why to buy our Gassing Machine ?

 Why to buy our machine ?

Reasons are here:

1.     Most economical in the world (Machine price is lower than any other brand)
2.     Best quality output (Weight loss % ± 0.75 )
3.     Very Low Maintenance Cost (Machine cleaning & lubrication is ok, except moving & rotating part nothing is required as spares)
4.     Quick return to your investment (If you are giving gassing job work, you will get machine cost within 3-4 months)
5.     Easy to operate (No skilled labor is required)
6.     Universal machine suit for all type of Cotton Yarn, Spun Synthetic Yarn, Spun Blended Yarn
7.     Works on both LPG & Natural Gas
8.     Lowest power consumption
9.     Lowest Gas Consumption (LPG requirement is 40 -50 gms/drum/hour)


*       Our first machine supplied in the year 2001, is still running with original burner supplied with the machine
*       M/s. Shri Ramalinga Mills Ltd, ‘A’ Unit – Aruppukkottai, having 2 x 60 drums machine and all the exports count are processed in our machine
*       M/s. Subburaj Textiles – Tirunelveli, having our 10 x 60 drums machine and all the counts
*       We supplied our machine to Netherland four years before for spun polyester sewing thread singeing and it is running satisfactorily. The Customer spent 240 dollars for spares purchase which is 1% of machine value per four year
*       Our machine (60 Drum) is running in Bhiwandi for the past three years. It is giving 17.5 Tons production per month of 2/100s HT Combed Cotton Yarn. It consuming only 41.5 gms / per hour / drum of LPG
*       Our machine is working for 40s Single Cotton Yarn at Gujarat
*       Our Coimbatore customer is taking (60 drum machine) the production of 1.2 tons per day – 2/60s Combed Cotton Yarn


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gassing Machine - General Requirement - Important POINTS to be remembered

Controls & Monitoring required for a gassing machine:
  1. Speed Control  / tuning – Either with the help of AC Variable Frequency Drive or Mechanical Variator Pulley is required to get the required level of weight loss
  2. Flow Meter – is essential to control and monitor the flow of gas and air supplied in the machine
Above this
  1. Gas supply must be common control and must not have individual control
  2. In individual drum drive, speed variation between drum may cause variation in gassing. Hence group drum is best 
  3. It is better to cover the yarn passage by ceramic guides which will prevent the generation of hairiness and some times it will control the elongation of yarn
  4. Winding tension variation may cause difference in firing hence effective tension device is required
  5. The yarn must go throw the centre of the burner and it is better to keep the bottom and top centering guide as a fixed one (Not a moveable)
  6. The adopter bearing must rotate with out any disturbance other it will affect the take up speed and cause loss variation
  7. The cleaning of the burner and guide rollers must be done at proper interval. Accumulation of scale (evaporated wax content presented in the cotton yarn) inside the burner will increase the burner temperature and change the loss %
  8. Accumulation of carbon content in the guides will generate further hairs

Monday, November 10, 2014

Yarn Gassing - Quality Checking Method

Singeing quality / effects are checked by the following ways

  1. Loss in weight compare to un gassed (gray) yarn,

Weight Loss can be calculated with the help of weighing balance.

                         (Weight of Grey Yarn) - (Weight of Gassed Yarn)
Weight Loss% = ----------------------------------------------------------- X 100
                                          Weight of Grey yarn

  1. Available hairs when compare to un gassed (gray) yarn &  Available hair’s length compare to un gassed (gray) yarn
There are two major manufacturers of hairiness testing equipment on the market, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. Some detail is given below.
a)   USTER
USTER is the leading manufacturer of textile testing equipment. The USTER hairiness H is defined as follows:-
H =total length (measured in centimeters) of all the hairs within one centimeter of yarn
(The hairiness value given by the tester at the end of the test is the average of all these values measured, that is, if 400 m have been measured, it is the average of 40,000 individual values). The hairiness H is an average value, giving no indication of the distribution of the length of the hairs.  Let us see an example

yarn 1
yarn 2

Both yarns would have the same hairiness index H, even though yarn is more desirable, as it has more short hairs and less long hairs, compared to yarn 2.
This example shows that the hairiness H suppresses information, as all averages do. Two yarns with a similar value H might have vastly different distributions of the length of the individual hairs. 
The equipment allows evaluating the variation of the value H along the length of the yarn.  The "sh value "is given, but the correlation to the CV of hairiness is somehow not obvious. A spectrogram may be obtained.
b)     ZWEIGLE
Zweigle is a somewhat less well-known manufacturer of yarn testing equipment. Unlike USTER, the Zweigle does not give averages. The numbers of hairs of different lengths are counted separately, and these values are displayed on the equipment. In addition, the S3 value is given, which is defined as follows: 
S3 =Sum (number of hairs 3 mm and longer)
 In the above example, the yarns would have different S3 values: 
S3yarn 1 =2. 
S3yarn 2 =4. 
A clear indication that yarn 2 is "more hairy "than yarn 1.  The CV value of hairiness is given a histogram (graphical representation of the distribution of the hairiness) is given.
The USTER H value only gives an average, which is of limited use when analyzing the hairiness of the yarn. The Zweigle testing equipment gives the complete distribution of the different lengths of the hairs. The S3 value distinguishes between long and short hairiness, which is more informative than the H value.
  1. Change in Count.
This study may be done by the help of Wrap Reel and Weighing Balance.

  1. Change in Color.

This way helps to compare the produced yarn with the master sample of Yarn. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Gassing - General Literature - Gas Yarn Singeing

 Singeing- Removal of Hairiness

Singeing is the process of removing the protruding from the fibers from the surface of the yarn. This process is suitable for all natural fibers. And also this is a value adding process.

What is happen during Singeing?

  1. The protruding fibers on the yarn surface are fired and removed as ash 
  2. The thin, thick and other character of the yarn can be clearly viewed


  1. Very less hairiness on the surface. This helps the next process like knitting and weaving in a way like less thread breakage and many more way 
  1. Fabric produced with gassed yarn give comfort feeling & Luster 
  1. The Singeing process will help the dyeing process like less dye stuff consumption, quick dye absorbency, high tone, more luster 
  1. Singed & mercerized yarn csp is higher than the normal and it will produce the fine and strengthen fabric 
  1. In general all the problems are solved caused because of hairiness 
  1. This yarn may cause very low Pilling effect
  2. Printing will be more sharp on gassed yarn fabric

Type of material may be singed:-

 All the natural fibers like Cotton, Jute, flax, etc., can be singed
All synthetic spun yarn like polyester, viscose and it's blends can be singed

Type of SINGEING:-

Singeing can be done in the form of yarn and fabric. In general singeing is done in the form of yarn in high volume.

                                                                                     Electric Singeing (Indirect Firing)
                                    Yarn Singeing                         Gas Singeing (Direct Firing)
Singeing -  
                                    Fabric Singeing

Electric Singeing (In Direct Firing):-

In this process the hairiness is removed by the temperature generated heating metal filament. No flame is produced. Approximately 350 degree Celsius temperature is generated in the singeing zone. Therefore, the hairs are fired and removed by the heat.

Gas Singeing (Direct Firing):-

In this process, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPGas) or Natural gas is used as a fuel for firing. A direct flame is produced in this type and approximately 750 degree Celsius (For LPGas); 450 degree Celsius (For Natural Gas) temperature is generated in the singeing zone. Here the hairs are removed by direct flame.

Merits and Demerits of Electric and Gas SINGEING:-

1.     In Electric Singeing (indirect singeing), the temperature produce is low hence the yarn may be processed at lower speed. The hairs on entire surface are not removed, and only 270 degree portion only cleared in this process

2.     In Gas Singeing (Direct Singeing), a more temperature is produced hence the yarn may be processed at a higher speed. The yarn is directly entering in to the flame hence the entire 360 degree surface hairs is removed

Weight loss:

In singeing process the hairs removal are indicated by the means of weight loss %. More the weight loss % -  higher the removal of hairs and vice versa. In General in the field 4 % to 8 % weight loss is achieved for double yanr and for single yarn around 12% is achieved. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014



Yarn hairiness is a complex concept, which generally cannot be completely defined by a single figure. The effect of yarn hairiness on the textile operations following spinning, especially weaving and knitting, and its influence on the characteristics of the product obtained and on some fabric faults has led to the introduction of measurement of hairiness.


Hairiness occurs because some fibre ends protrude from the yarn body, some looped fibres arch
out from the yarn core and some wild fibres in the yarn.  
  •  There is a high correlation between the number of protruding ends and the number of fibers in the yarn cross-section
  • Ÿ  Torsion rigidity of the fibres is the most important single property affecting yarn hairiness. Other factors are flexural rigidity, fibre length and fiber fineness
  • Ÿ  Mixing different length cottons-No substantial gain in hairiness. Although the hairiness of a yarn could be reduced to some extent by the addition of a longer and finer cotton to the blend. The extent of reduction is not proportional to the percentage of the longer and finer component. This is probably due to the preferential migration of the coarser and shorter component, which has longer protruding ends, from the yarn body. The addition of wastes to the mixing increases the yarn hairiness; the effect of adding comber waste is greater than that of adding soft wasteŸ
  •   Blending-not a solution to hairiness. The blended yarns are rather more hairy than expected from the hairiness of the components; a result similar to that found in cotton blends. This may be due to the preferential migration of the shorter cotton fibers; a count of the number of protruding ends of both types of fiber shows that there is more cotton fiber ends than expected, although the difference is not very great 
  • Ÿ  The number of protruding ends is independent of twist, whereas the number of loops decreases when the yarn twist increases because of a greater degree of binding between the fibres owing to twist. The number of wild fibres decreases only very slightly with twist because of their position on the yarn periphery
  • Ÿ  The proportion of fiber ends that protrude from the yarn surface, counted microscopically has been found to be about 31% of the actual number of ends present in the yarn
  • Ÿ  If the length of the protruding fibre ends as well as that of the loops is considered, the meanvalue of the hairiness increases as the cross-sectional area increases and decreases with the length of the loops. The hairiness is affected by the yarn twist, since an increase in twist tends to shorten the fiber ends                                

  • Ÿ  Wild fibers are those for which the head alone is taken by the twist while the tail is still gripped by the front drafting rollers
  • Ÿ  Fiber length influences hairiness in the sense that a greater length corresponds to less hairiness
  • Ÿ  Cotton yarns are known to be less hairy than yarns spun from man-made fibres. The possible reason for this is the profile of the two fibres. Because of taper, only one end, the heavier root part of the cotton fibre, tends to come out as a protruding end in a cotton yarn. With man-made fibres, both ends have an equal probability of showing up as protruding ends
  • Ÿ  If the width of the fibre web in the drafting field is large, the contact and friction with the bottom roller reduce the ability of the fibres to concentrate themselves and hairiness occurs. This effect is found more in coarse counts with low TPI. This suggests that the collectors in the drafting field will reduce yarn hairiness
  • Ÿ  The yarn hairiness definitely depends on the fibres on the outer layer of the yarn that do not directly adhere to the core. Some of them have an end in the core of the yarn gripped by other fibres, whereas others, because of the mechanical properties of the fibre (rigidity, shape, etc.) emerge to the surface. During the twisting of the yarn, other fibres are further displaced from their central position to the yarn surface
  • Ÿ  Greater the fibre parallelization by the draw frame, lower the yarn hairiness
  • Ÿ  An increase in roving twist results in lower yarn hairiness, because of smaller width of fibre web in the drafting field
  • Ÿ  The number of fiber ends on the yarn surface remains fairly constant; the number of looped fibers reduces in number and length on increasing twist
  • Ÿ  Combed yarn will have low yarn hairiness, because of the extraction of shorter fibers by the comber
  • Ÿ  Yarn hairiness increases when the roving linear density increases. Yarn spun from double roving will have more hairiness than the yarn spun from single roving. This is due to the increased number of fibres in the web and due to higher draft required to spin the same count
  • Ÿ  Drafting waves increase hairiness. Irregularity arising from drafting waves increases with increasing draft. Yarn hairiness also may be accepted to increase with yarn irregularity, because fibers protruding from the yarn surface are more numerous at the thickest and least twisted parts of the yarn
  • Ÿ  The yarns produced with condensers in the drafting field, particularly if these are situated in the principal drafting zone, are less hairy than those spun without the use of condensers
  • Ÿ  Higher spindle speed – high hairiness. When yarns are spun at different spindle speed, the centrifugal force acting on fibers in the spinning zone will increase in proportion to the square of the spindle speed, causing the fibers ends as they are emerging from the front rollers to be deflected from the yarn surface to a greater extent. Further, at high spindle speed, the shearing action of the traveller on the yarn is likely to become great enough to partially detach or raise the fibers from the body of the yarn. As against the above factors, at higher spindle speeds the tension in the yarn will increase in proportion to the square of the spindle speed, and consequently more twist will run back to the roller nip, so that it is natural to expect that better binding of the fibers will be achieved. The increase in hairiness noticed in the results suggests that the forces involved in raising fibers from the yarn surface are greater than those tending to incorporate them within the body of the yarn at higher spindle speeds
  • Ÿ  Higher draft before ring frame-less hairiness. There is a gradual reduction of hairiness with increase in draft. In other word, as the fiber parallelization increases hairiness decreases. Reversing the card sliver before the first drawing head causes a reduction in hairiness, the effect being similar to that resulting from the inclusion of an extra passage of drawing
  • Ÿ  Smaller roving package-less hairiness. Yarn hairiness decreases with decrease in roving (doff) size, and yarn spun from front row of roving bobbins is more hairy and variable as compare to that spun from back row of rowing bobbins. It may be noted that though the trends are consistent yet the differences are non-significant
  • Ÿ  The spinning tension has a considerable influence on the yarn hairiness. The smaller the tension, the greater the hairiness. This is the reason why heavier travellers result in low yarn hairiness. If the traveller is too heavy also, yarn hairiness will increase
  • Ÿ  Spindle eccentricity leads to an increase in hairiness. Small eccentricities influence hairiness relatively little, but, from 0.5 mm onwards, the hairiness increases almost exponentially with eccentricity 
  • Ÿ  The increase in hairiness due to spindle eccentricity will be influenced by the diameter of ring, dia of bobbin, the shape of the traveller, the yarn tension, etc
  • Ÿ  Yarn hairiness will increase if the thread guide or lappet hook is not centered properly
  • Ÿ  Heavier traveler- less hairiness. The reduced hairiness of yarns at higher traveller weights can be explained by the combined effect of tension and twist distribution in the yarn at the time of spinning. The spindle speed remains constant, but the tension in the yarn will increase with increasing traveller weight, and better binding of the fibers would be expected
  • Ÿ  Parallel fibers-less hairiness. The improvement of yarn quality on combing is mainly ascribed to the reduction in the number of short fiber improvement in length characteristics, and fiber parallelization. There is a marked difference in hairiness of the carded yarn and the combed yarns, even with a comber loss of only 5%, but the effect on hairiness of increasing the percentage of comber waste is less marked. Combing even at low percentage waste causes a marked drop in hairiness relative to that of the carded yarn.  In the case of combed cotton yarns the average value of hairiness decreases with increase in count, whereas in the case of polyester/ viscose blend yarns the hairiness increases with increase in count. In the case of polyester/ cotton blend yarns trend is not clear
  • Ÿ  Flat and round travelers do not influence yarn hairiness, but a greater degree of hairiness was observed with elliptical travelers and anti-wedge rings
  • Ÿ  Traveller wear obviously influences hairiness because of the greater abrasion on the yarn.
  • Yarn hairiness increases with the life of the traveler
  • Ÿ  Bigger the ring diameter, lower the yarn hairiness
  • Ÿ  Yarn spun in a dry atmosphere is more hairy
  • Ÿ  Hairiness variation between spindles is very detrimental. Because these variation can lead to shade or appearance variation in the cloth
  • Ÿ  The variation in hairiness within bobbin can be reduced considerably by the use of heavy travellers alone or by balloon-control rings with travellers of normal weight. In both the cases yarn is prevented from rubbing against the separators
  • Ÿ  Yarn hairiness is caused by protruding ends, by the presence of a majority of fiber tails.
  • This suggests that these tails will become heads on unwinding and that friction to which the yarn is subjected will tend to increase their length. It is therefore logical that a yarn should be more hairy after winding
  • Ÿ  Repeated windings in the cone-winding machine will increase the yarn hairiness and after three or four rewinding, the yarn hairiness remains same for cotton yarns
  • Ÿ  Winding speed influences yarn hairiness, but the most important increase in hairiness is produced by the act of winding itself
  • Ÿ  Because of winding, the number of short hairs increases more rapidly that the number of long hairs
  • Ÿ  In two-for-one twisters (TFO), more hairiness is produced because; twist is imparted in two steps. Yarn hairiness also depends upon the TFO speed, because it principally affects the shortest fiber ends
  • Ÿ  Hairiness variations in the weft yarn will result in weft bars